Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Back on the net

I'm back on the net. I should be back in phoenix around the end of the week. When I get back Rich & I will get back to work and have more comics up on a regular basis. thanks for waiting and sorry about the laps.

Friday, August 19, 2011

No Internet

Yep, I have been trying to get the network pasword. The guy needs to be here tomarow and I should be good then. For now I'm using my phone, just found a spot that let's me get online. I will try and get the new comic up a little later tonight using my phone. Sorry about the delay. And as always have nice day. -Kenny

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Goin' back for seconds?

Missed A Day

Sorry about missing a day, yesterday was just real hectic for Rich and I. But the good news is we are back and have a new comic up. So enjoy, if you don't get the last panel, knowing who Anton LaVey is might help.

(spoke with a Professional Russian accent)
and as always, have nice day.

Familiar Faces

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Comic Madness

Yep, yet another comic. Enjoy and we will try and keep the funny coming your way.

And check out Slight of Mind, The web comic that inspired this one.